Crate Train Your Giant Schnauzers Pup in 4 Simple Steps!

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Giant Schnauzers are intelligent and energetic dogs that can greatly benefit from crate training. Not only does it provide them with a safe and comfortable space, but it also helps in preventing destructive behaviors. In this blog post, we will outline four simple steps to successfully crate train your Giant Schnauzer puppy!

Step 1: Choosing the Right Crate

Before embarking on crate training, it’s essential to select the right crate for your Giant Schnauzer. There are various types of crates available, such as wire crates, plastic crates, and soft-sided crates. Consider the size of your puppy and choose a crate that allows them to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

  1. Size matters: As your puppy grows, ensure the crate is large enough to accommodate their adult size, but not excessively spacious that it loses the cozy feel.
  2. Durability: Giant Schnauzers are strong dogs, so opt for a sturdy crate that can withstand their playful nature.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can ensure the crate becomes a welcoming retreat for your Giant Schnauzer.

Step 2: Getting Familiar with the Crate

Introducing the crate to your Giant Schnauzer pup should be a positive and gradual process. Start by placing the crate in a common area of the house and leave the door open. Allow your curious pup to explore the crate at their own pace.

  • Make it cozy: Line the crate with soft bedding and place some familiar toys inside. This will help create a pleasant association with the crate.
  • Encourage exploration: Toss in some treats near the crate to entice your puppy to approach it willingly. Repeat this exercise several times until they feel comfortable entering the crate voluntarily.

Remember, patience is key during this stage. Allow your Giant Schnauzer pup to build a positive connection with the crate before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Encouraging Crate Use

Once your Giant Schnauzer pup begins to enter the crate willingly, it’s time to establish a routine for crate time. This will help them understand when it’s time to relax or take a nap in their designated safe space.

  • Create a schedule: Set aside specific periods throughout the day for crate time. Initially, keep these sessions short to prevent any anxiety or restlessness.
  • Positive reinforcement: Each time your puppy enters the crate, reward them with praise and a treat. This will reinforce the idea that the crate is a pleasant place to be.
  • Include crate time in activities: To further promote a positive association, place the crate near you during family activities. This will show your Giant Schnauzer that the crate is a part of their daily life.

With consistent practice and positive reinforcement, your Giant Schnauzer will soon view their crate as a cozy retreat rather than a confinement.

Step 4: Crate Training Tips and Troubleshooting

Crate training can sometimes come with challenges, but with the right techniques, you can overcome them.

  • Gradual increase: As your puppy grows comfortable spending time in the crate, gradually extend the duration. This will help them develop the ability to stay calm and relaxed for longer periods.
  • Tackling whining or anxiety: If your Giant Schnauzer pup whines or shows signs of anxiety in the crate, it’s important not to give in to their demands. Instead, offer reassurance by speaking softly or playing calming music to soothe their nerves.
  • Maintain a safe environment: Regularly inspect the crate for any potential hazards, such as loose wires or sharp objects. Ensuring a safe environment will contribute to your puppy feeling secure and protected.

Remember, crate training is a process that requires patience and consistency. Celebrate small achievements along the way and remember to shower your Giant Schnauzer pup with love and encouragement!


Crate training your Giant Schnauzer pup is an investment in their well-being and your peace of mind. By following the four simple steps outlined above, you can create a positive and cozy space for your puppy, preventing destructive behaviors and promoting their overall happiness. Remember to choose the right crate, introduce it gradually, encourage crate use through positive reinforcement, and tackle any potential challenges along the way. With time, your Giant Schnauzer pup will come to adore their crate, making it an essential part of their daily routine!

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